Thompson Nicola Shuswap Chapter of the FCA


The Thompson Nicola Shuswap Chapter of the Federation of Canadian Artists has over 60 members from the region. The Chapter provides opportunities for artistic growth, development and accreditation to visual artists of various skill levels. 

The TNSC welcomes aspiring, emerging and career artists through four levels of membership.

Prominent activities of the TNSC are workshops with qualified professional artists, juried shows, participation in Chapter activities, critiques to help you grow artistically, artist demonstrations in various mediums and techniques, guest speakers from near and far, and fellowship with other artists.

Member benefits include opportunities to participate in:

  • Regional and international art competitions
  • Workshops
  • Demonstrations by guest artists, information sharing and critique sessions
  • the FCA Mentorship Program
  • Promoting your artwork through our website and art shows

NOT A MEMBER YET? Click here for Membership Information


"Abstracting Landscapes: Rethinking Your Approach to Paintin

This is your opportunity to learn from Michael King!  Michael is a much sought after instructor and mentor.  His workshops teach painting and design in a straightforward, accessible manner with a philosophy grounded in scientific fundamentals of perception, anatomy and observation, along with time-proven principles of art.

Here is what we will learn:  We will learn to view the world as a painter does, focusing on shapes to refine your design approach and streamline your painting process while creating a greater visual impact. This workshop will delve into identifying and simplifying shapes, experimenting with colour, gesture, and texture. By the end, you’ll gain a fresh perspective that could transform the way you approach painting forever.

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About the Instructor:
Michael King, a Canadian painter, is passionate about plein air painting, concentrating on capturing the essence of the landscape. His direct experiences in the outdoors serve as a driving force behind the creation of his more extensive studio works. His paintings strike a balance between realistic observation and abstract interpretation resulting in a unique and captivating aesthetic.With his formal education in Industrial Design from Carleton University in Ottawa, King’s career in product design influenced his approach to his art. King places a strong emphasis on mastery of the technical aspects of painting, design and his need for simplicity. View Michael's website here:  MICHAELKINGART

DATE:  Saturday and Sunda, May 24/25
Time:  9:30am - 4:00pm ( 1 hour lunch, doors open @ 9:00am)

Place:  The Old Courthouse, Upstairs, 7 Seymour St W, Kamloops
Cost:  $275 Members; $325 Non-members

This workshop is filling up fast.  Book your spot today!




Plans are underway for the TNSC Spring Show, "Spring into Art".  Start planning now! Submissions are now open and close on March 17th.  The show will be held at the Old Courthouse Main Gallery from April 8 - 19th.  This will be a juried, qualifying show open to all FCA Exhibiting, Active and Signature members from the TNSC, COC, SOC and NOC.  As always, we look forward to a stellar show with walls filled with your master works! 

Submission link:  TNSCSPRINGSHOW 
Rules and Further Information here:  SPRINGSHOWRULES



TIME TO PAINT - Next Paint Session April 13 th

TIME TO PAINT IS UNDERWAY!  This Sunday event is a great way to share knowledge and skills in a small and welcoming group setting. Each artist gets their own table.  Bring your work in progress or start something new, your easel and supplies. The group meets on a Sunday, twice a month, from 10am – 1pm.  Spend time with friends you know or make new friends, share art tips and give yourself the “Time to Paint”!  Limit:  12 Artists

Register here $10 for remaining sessions: TIMETOPAINT  

$5 Drop In
Dates:  Sundays, 10 am - 1pm -----  April 13, May 4, May 18
Location: Riverside Park, lower lounge in Heritage House. Free parking.
Paint Clock



Would you like to practice your drawing skills in a casual, friendly atmosphere?  Join us for Life Drawing sessions.   We will provide models who pose unclothed or draped who range in age, gender and body shape.  All levels of drawing skills are welcome from "I've never done this before but I would like to try" to the advanced.

  • DATES: most Sundays through April
  • COST:  $10 per session
  • TIME:  1:30 - 3:30
  • WHERE:  The Old Courthouse, Main Gallery

Drop ins are welcome based on availability.  For more information, please contact Patricia House,


Coming October 2025! - TNSC NON-JURIED SHOW

All TNCS Members are Invited to Submit >>Supporting, Exhibiting, Signature

This interactive edcucational exhibition is a follow-up to the popular 'UNTITLED' show held in 2023. All TNSC members are invited to submit to this non-juried showand sale event. It is intended to be fun, educational, and interactive! All works submitted must be “UNTITLED”.  Visitors will be provided with “sticky notes” to suggest a title name and express what speaks to them about the art. Think smaller sized artworks so we can have as many artists participate as possible. Stay tuned for more details and submission information in the coming months!

Benefits of Membership

Benefits of joining the FCA & Thompson Nicola Shuswap Chapter

Here are a few of the benefits we enjoy as members of the FCA and the TNSC! We promote inclusivity and we are continuously striving for a connected and supported collective of artists.

    • Educationeducational opportunities (workshops, demos, meetings, critiques) through our chapter and/or online events through the FCA gallery
    • Support: member support at events which include meetings, online connection, paint outs and plein air events
    • Connectioncreating relationships with other artists at various levels of expertise - what better way to improve than to talk art with other like minded souls!
    • Artistic GrowthGrowing and thriving through our community of artists who support one another in art.  Advance your artistic endevours through the FCA to the level of Signature Artist.
    • Membership reduced pricesas a member, you are entitled to reduced costs on workshop offerings and events such as "Passion for Painting"
    • In the Know: Attending events, connecting with chapter artists promotes growth, learning the tools of the trade and joining in on bulk buying of art supplies to reduce costs

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